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- What is meant by cardinality of a table ?
- What is privilege ? What are the two types of privilege?
- How is PRIMARY KEY constraints different from UNIQUE constraints.
- What is exception handling?
- What is mutating and constraining table .
- What do you understand by the term alternate key ?
- What is the function of a database management system?
- Differentiate between DDL and DML Commands.
- What is DATA dictionary ?
- Differentiate between two-tier and three-tier computing model.
- What is data ware house?
- What is the syntax for creating explicit cursor?
- Explain Reference data type and Composite data type.
- What is Oracle? What are its functions?
- What happens when you close and then re-open a cursor?
- What is business computing? What role does the data base play in business .
- What is the Difference between BEFORE and AFTER trigger.
- What are procedures? What are its different types.
- What is the structure of an information system.
- Define what is meant by an entity , attributes ,entity set, relationship?
- What is distributed data base ? What is its signficance?
- What is the need for Normalization? Define Second normal form.
- What is a cursor ? What are its different types.
- What is the significance of triggers.
- Differentiate between CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE commands.
- What is Trigger ? Write the Syntax for defining a Trigger.
- Why are named procedures referred as stored procedure.
- Define 1NF, 2NF, 3NF.
- What is the Difference between a key field and a composite key?
- Compare and contrast triggers and constraints.
- Compare Char and Varchar2 data types.
- Why is %ISOPEN always false for an implicit cursor?
- How are the following statements differ from one another?
i) commit and commit work
- What are Constraints ? What are its different types.
- What are functions? How are they Different from procedures?
- What is Synonyms ? How is it different from view ?
- What are the various data models available for database systems?
- How is FOREIGN KEY commands related to the PRIMARY KEY ?
- What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands
- What are object privilege ? What are its type.
- What are the three components of client/server architecture?
- What do you meant by relational database? Explain.
- What is the syntax to create triggers.
- What is the difference between private synonym and public synonym?
- What is the advantage of Stored Procedure .
- What is a Transaction . Explain .
- If a view is dropped, what happens to its base table?
- What is a Protocol. Explain network protocol.
- Write short notes process chart and Data dictionary.
- What are the advantages of synonyms.
- What do you meant by ACID properties?. Explain.
- Define the following terms.
i) Atomicity ii) Consistency iii) Isolation iv) Durability
- What is Back End tool ? Give an example.
- What do you understand by the term User Interface ?
- Define Meta Data.
- Expand the term SQL. Name any two SQL command categories.
- What do you mean by attribute? Explain with an example.
- Write about the different types of relationships that can exists between entities? Give one example of each.
- What do you understand by the term Tuple ?
- What is the difference between procedure and triggers ?
- What does degree of a table mean?
- What is Normalization ? Explain its need.
- What do the commands COMMIT , ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT do ? Also give SQL category to which they belong.
- What do you understand by Cursor ? What are the different types of Cursor ? Explain Cursor attributes.
- What is front-end tool ? Give an example.
- Name various type of UML diagrams.
- Expand and Explain the abbreviation UML.
- Explain one-to-many relationships of RDBMS with a suitable example.
- How does a back end linked to a data base and a server.
- What are the three components of client/server architecture.
- What is an attribute ? Explain composite attribute with an example.
- What is data base fragmentation? How is it related to distributed database?
- What is the role of TCP/IP Protocol ?
- What is meant by data abstraction and data encapsulation
- What is a Stored procedure? Explain with example.
- Give different ways in which data may be fragmented.
- Differentiate between horizontal fragmentation and vertical fragmentation.
- What are row level triggers and statement level triggers ? How are these created?
- Explain INSTEAD OF triggers.
- What is system development life cycle ? Write the steps of system development life cycle.
- What is the need of Data Dictionary ?
- What is meant by DATA MINING ?
- Differentiate between session control commands and system control commands.
- Explain the term Client and Server in Client/Server computing.
- Specify any four, application areas of Databases.
- Differentiate between partial replication and full replication of database.
- What are the conventions of E-R modeling to represent
(a) Entity (b) Attribute (c) Relationship (d) Database
- What is a foreign key in a table ?
- What is classes and object.
- How is serial execution of transaction different from concurrent execution .
- What is first normal form of data ?
- Differentiate between SQL command insert and alter.
- Differentiate between row-level and statement-level triggers.
- What is the concept of database transaction?
- What are data types ? Name some scalar data types of PL/SQL?
- What is a named block? How it is different from anonymous block?
- What command is used to create a host /bind variables in SQL Plus?
- What is the advantage of an anchored data type.
- What is the need for a trigger.
- What is a type conversion ? What are its different forms.
- What is meant by implicit and explicit type conversion?
- What do you understand by static cursor?
- What is the significance of object modelling?
- What does a FETCH statements do?
- What is the Difference between OPEN and FETCH commands.
- How would you drop a trigger. Give an example.
- What is a Parameter?. What are its Different types.
- What do you understand by active set.
- What is meant by robustness?
- In which order triggers are fired if multiples triggers exits for same table?
- What is the structure of the information system.
- What are the three models in the OMT ? Briefly explain.
- How is data modeling ? How it is linked to mining.
- Explain what is meant by Generalization and specialization mean?
- Name any two properties that are common for the controls on standard toolbar in Visual Basic.
- Differentiate between a Label Control and a Text Box control.
- "VB is an Object Based Event Driven programming language" Explain.
- Differentiate between SDI Form and MDI Form in Visual Basic. In the similar context, explain the concept of parent and
child forms.
- Differentiate between check box and Radio Button control.
- Differentiate Combo box and List Box in VB.
- Expand the abbreviation ODBC. What does ODBC mean ?
- What do you find as the difference in Syntax Error and Run Time Error ?
- What do you understand by event driven programming ?
- What is Dialog box ?
- Expand the term ADO. What is ADO ?
- What does the following code do :
For Each Control in Form1.controls
Control.font "Times New Roman"
IF not typeof control is commandbutton then
control.forcolor = "BLUE"
End If
- Differentiate between public and private variables and discuss their scope of visibility.
- Differentiate between private and public scopes .
- How is a static variable Different from other variables.
- What is a record set and bound control ?
- Differentiate between module and public scopes .