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  1. What is meant by cardinality of a table ?

  2. What is privilege ? What are the two types of privilege?

  3. How is PRIMARY KEY constraints different from UNIQUE constraints.

  4. What is exception handling?

  5. What is mutating and constraining table . 

  6. What do you understand by the term alternate key ?

  7. What is the function of a database management system?

  8. Differentiate between DDL and DML Commands.

  9. What is DATA dictionary ?

  10. Differentiate between two-tier and three-tier computing model.

  11. What is data ware house?

  12. What is the syntax for creating explicit cursor?

  13. Explain Reference data type and Composite data type.

  14. What is Oracle? What are its functions?

  15. What happens when you close and then re-open a cursor?

  16. What is business computing? What role does the data base play in business . 

  17. What is the Difference between BEFORE and AFTER trigger.

  18. What are procedures? What are its different types.

  19. What is the structure of an information system.

  20. Define what is meant by an entity , attributes ,entity set, relationship?

  21. What is distributed data base ? What is its signficance?

  22. What is the need for Normalization? Define Second normal form.

  23. What is a cursor ? What are its different types.

  24. What is the significance of triggers.

  25. Differentiate between CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE commands.

  26. What is Trigger ? Write the Syntax for defining a Trigger.

  27. Why are named procedures referred as stored procedure.

  28. Define 1NF, 2NF, 3NF.

  29. What is the Difference between a key field and a composite key? 

  30. Compare and contrast triggers and constraints.

  31. Compare Char and Varchar2 data types.

  32. Why is %ISOPEN always false for an implicit cursor?

  33. How are the following statements differ from one another?

    i) commit and commit work


  34. What are Constraints ? What are its different types.

  35. What are functions? How are they Different from procedures?

  36. What is Synonyms ? How is it different from view ?

  37. What are the various data models available for database systems?

  38. How is FOREIGN KEY commands related to the PRIMARY KEY ?


  40. What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands

  41. What are object privilege ? What are its type.

  42. What are the three components of client/server architecture?

  43. What do you meant by relational database? Explain.

  44. What is the syntax to create triggers.

  45. What is the difference between private synonym and public synonym?

  46. What is the advantage of Stored Procedure .

  47. What is a Transaction . Explain .

  48. If a view is dropped, what happens to its base table?

  49. What is a Protocol. Explain network protocol.

  50. Write short notes process chart and Data dictionary.

  51. What are the advantages of synonyms.

  52. What do you meant by ACID properties?. Explain.

  53. Define the following terms.

    i) Atomicity ii) Consistency iii) Isolation iv) Durability

  54. What is Back End tool ? Give an example.

  55. What do you understand by the term User Interface ?

  56. Define Meta Data.

  57. Expand the term SQL. Name any two SQL command categories.

  58. What do you mean by attribute? Explain with an example.

  59. Write about the different types of relationships that can exists between entities? Give one example of each.

  60. What do you understand by the term Tuple ?

  61. What is the difference between procedure and triggers ? 

  62. What does degree of a table mean?

  63. What is Normalization ? Explain its need.

  64. What do the commands COMMIT , ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT do ? Also give SQL category to which they belong.
  65. What do you understand by Cursor ? What are the different types of Cursor ? Explain Cursor attributes.

  66. What is front-end tool ? Give an example.

  67. Name various type of UML diagrams.

  68. Expand and Explain the abbreviation UML.

  69. Explain one-to-many relationships of RDBMS with a suitable example.

  70. How does a back end linked to a data base and a server.

  71. What are the three components of client/server architecture.

  72. What is an attribute ? Explain composite attribute with an example.

  73. What is data base fragmentation? How is it related to distributed database?

  74. What is the role of TCP/IP Protocol ?

  75. What is meant by data abstraction and data encapsulation

  76. What is a Stored procedure? Explain with example.

  77. Give different ways in which data may be fragmented.

  78. Differentiate between horizontal fragmentation and vertical fragmentation.

  79. What are row level triggers and statement level triggers ? How are these created?

  80. Explain INSTEAD OF triggers.

  81. What is system development life cycle ? Write the steps of system development life cycle.

  82. What is the need of Data Dictionary ?

  83. What is meant by DATA MINING ?

  84. Differentiate between session control commands and system control commands.

  85. Explain the term Client and Server in Client/Server computing.

  86. Specify any four, application areas of Databases.

  87. Differentiate between partial replication and full replication of database.

  88. What are the conventions of E-R modeling to represent

    (a) Entity (b) Attribute (c) Relationship (d) Database

  89. What is a foreign key in a table ?

  90. What is classes and object.

  91. How is serial execution of transaction different from concurrent execution .

  92. What is first normal form of data ?

  93. Differentiate between SQL command insert and alter.

  94. Differentiate between row-level and statement-level triggers.

  95. What is the concept of database transaction?

  96. What are data types ? Name some scalar data types of PL/SQL?

  97. What is a named block? How it is different from anonymous block?

  98. What command is used to create a host /bind variables in SQL Plus?

  99. What is the advantage of an anchored data type.

  100. What is the need for a trigger.

  101. What is a type conversion ? What are its different forms.

  102. What is meant by implicit and explicit type conversion?

  103. What do you understand by static cursor?

  104. What is the significance of object modelling?

  105. What does a FETCH statements do?

  106. What is the Difference between OPEN and FETCH commands.

  107. How would you drop a trigger. Give an example.

  108. What is a Parameter?. What are its Different types.

  109. What do you understand by active set.

  110. What is meant by robustness?

  111. In which order triggers are fired if multiples triggers exits for same table?

  112. What is the structure of the information system.

  113. What are the three models in the OMT ? Briefly explain.

  114. How is data modeling ? How it is linked to mining.

  115. Explain what is meant by Generalization and specialization mean?




  116. Name any two properties that are common for the controls on standard toolbar in Visual Basic.

  117. Differentiate between a Label Control and a Text Box control.

  118. "VB is an Object Based Event Driven programming language" Explain.

  119. Differentiate between SDI Form and MDI Form in Visual Basic. In the similar context, explain the concept of parent and child forms.          
  120. Differentiate between check box and Radio Button control.
  121. Differentiate Combo box and List Box in VB.
  122. Expand the abbreviation ODBC. What does ODBC mean ?
  123. What do you find as the difference in Syntax Error and Run Time Error ?
  124. What do you understand by event driven programming ?
  125. What is Dialog box ?
  126. Expand the term ADO. What is ADO ?
  127. What does the following code do :

    For Each Control in Form1.controls

    Control.font "Times New Roman"

    IF not typeof control is commandbutton then

    control.forcolor = "BLUE"

    End If

  128. Differentiate between public and private variables and discuss their scope of visibility.

  129. Differentiate between private and public scopes .

  130. How is a static variable Different from other variables.

  131. What is a record set and bound control ?

  132. Differentiate between module and public scopes .

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